picture@The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Updated: 15 May 2019 / Mirror site. / Japanese version is here. / Group homepage is here.
An illustrative ppt on Nature Photonics paper is here.

Publication Indices (2 Oct. 2018):

h-index = 39(Scopus), 47(Google Scholar)
i10-index = 108(Scopus), 124(Google Scholar)
Cited benchmarking (Scopus): 99%(a), 99%(b), 99%(c), 98%(a), 98%(b), 97%(a), 97%(b), 97%(c), 97%(d), 96%(a), 96%(b), 96%(c),
95%(a), 95%(b), 94%(a), 94%(b), 93%, 92%(a), 92%(b), 91%(a), 91%(b), 90%, omitted hereafter.

Brief CV(1 May 2016) / List of papers(15 May 2019), presentations(15 May 2019), and books (in English).

Quantum noise reduction
Frequency conversion of single photons
Weak measurement
Cluster-state computation
Multi-party entanglement
Quantum magic protocols

Current Academic and Public Activities (15 May, 2019)

Science Essays (update:29 April 2011), Gallery
Video recording of my piano playing:
Copyright: Nobuyuki Imoto